A blog about cybersecurity by Cybix AB

Security Fest 2024

Introduction This blog is usually about technical matters within the cyber security arena. But now and then I feel like sharing nontechnical stuff that still matters within this context. Now is one of these times. I recently attended the Swedish conference Security Fest and thought Id share my impressions. I have covered Security Fest back in 2022 when I did a post about some of the major conferences abroad and in Sweden.…
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Writeup for Säkerhets-SM 2024 challenge Bitter

On the 8:e mars 2024 the qulifiers for Säkerhets-SM took place. The CTF is described like this: Säkerhets-SM is a national Capture The Flag competition for high school students. The competition focuses on problem-solving in the areas of programming, cryptography, binary exploitation, reverse engineering, web security, and forensics. The tasks range from beginner-friendly to quite challenging, so even if you have never participated in a CTF before, you can still take part.…
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Writeup for Cyber Apocalypse CTF 2024 challenge Confinement

Hack The Box arranged Cyber Apocalyse 2024 between 9 Mar - 14 Mar. It was a five day event with a 20 person per team limit. This CTF is in the usual Jeopardy style and divided into categories of misc, reversing, forensics, web, crypto, pwn, blockchain and hardware. As you can see a lot of players joied for this years event. There’s plenty of challenges to choose from but the ones that involved most members from our team this year was a challenge called Confinement.…
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1337 Santas Nice List

Santa Claus, the merry overseer of the North Pole, recently declared himself an ’elite hacker’. Brimming with confidence, he set out to master the intricacies of C programming and Python scripting, envisioning a high-tech revolution for his workshop. However, Santa’s understanding of these programming languages was as muddled as a blizzard, and his grasp on Linux permissions was as unstable as a sled on thin ice. The centerpiece of Santa’s digital foray was his treasured ‘Nice List’ web app, which, contrary to tradition, catalogued the world’s most commendable ethical hackers.…
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